The imagery conveys technological expertise and shows GEZE as a pioneering partner for building projects. The authentic depiction of real situations and the people behind the GEZE products and their quality builds trust, and positions GEZE as an approachable family business.
What is depicted?
GEZE's imagery consists of three pillars: Products, people and architecture. Each subject area supports the brand positioning and must not be neglected. A balanced relationship between the subject areas creates a coherent overall picture of the brand. Each subject area brings with it particular requirements. For photo shoots, it is recommended to select the photographer according to the respective focus and skills and based on the corresponding subject areas.
Tips and tricks
We have some basic recommendations for spontaneous shots and quick image searches.
Whenever possible, photography should use the best possible equipment and generate RAW files for high quality post-production. Always ensure that images, for example, have no strong colour tendency (red cast, yellow cast, etc.).
Sometimes, images need to be created quickly, with minimal input. But even if time is short, the basic parameters such as perspective, colour scheme and lighting should always be considered. The sample images shown in the documentation can be used for inspiration and guidance.
With regard to social media, it is helpful to briefly think about which channel (and thus in which format) an image is needed for in order to create high-quality imagery from the outset.
Situations and people should be photographed only as you would like to see yourself in a picture, i.e. please do not take pictures of people eating or in other unflattering situations and do not capture any personal details, etc.
Data protection and copyright
When using pictures, it must be ensured that the copyright has been clarified. Images may only be used if corresponding contracts have been concluded with the originator or if images have been purchased. If possible, the originator's name, i.e. the name of the photograper, is to be indicated on the picture. Here the following form is to be selected: © Max Mustermann / GEZE GmbH
Data protection
We attach great importance to showing real people on pictures. If real persons, e.g. employees, are photographed, it is to be paid attention that these agree with the fact that their pictures are used. The consent must be formally obtained and filed.