Frames and inspiration

Predefined frame patterns break up areas and can be used freely and to motivate. The frames can also be used separately, for example, in the translation into three-dimensional space. Abstract interpretations of the frames are also conceivable.

Illustrative pattern for breaking up areas

Patterns generated on the basis of the frames can be used to fill areas. Please use freely, based on your own inspiration. Frames appear as patterns in GEZE Yellow and Accent Blue.

Free-space frames

The frames can be translated into the three-dimensional space. This area is specified as soon as content is specified. Frames must be in GEZE Yellow and Accent Blue.

Abstract frames

Abstract interpretations of frames are possible. Care must be taken to ensure that the idea fits the brand. This area is specified as soon as the content is specified.  Frames in abstract must be in GEZE Yellow and Accent Blue.